Ecological gardening, landscape management and Poultry keeping ! In
the Gardening they are also taught all gardening works especially
horticulture and how to grow medicinal plants like Lemon grasses and
Hibiscus ( Both for herbal Tea) While Artemisia and Moringa for cure and
Treatment of Malaria, The Aloe Vera for wounds treatment and Dry .
Vegetables are grown for sale and to eat at lunchtime. Local Chicken and
Eggs are eaten as a good source of Proteins and they are sold to
provide income for the Centre Activities.
Domestic economy and kitchen ! In the kitchen the
Students learn on how to prepare different cuisines and they learn food
hygiene, Food security and proper use of Kitchen utensils. The kitchen
team prepares breakfast and lunch for the whole center. Those who have
gained enough experience are supported in finding employment in small
and medium sized labor market and others are supported to start their
own small businesses.
Tunaweza Mwanza,
Location: Pasiansi-Papa Street Block ‘A’#66 - Mwanza Tanzania
Address: P.O. Box 10263, Mwanza-Tanzania:
Phone: +255 783386879 or or